Saturday, April 30, 2016

My Mustache

Shield and Helmet | Homemade Comic Strips

7. Up In Smoke – The Trivial Tales of Luna Lesser

Will always be a kid in her eyes

With The Obvious Success of Captain America: Civil War.

I've waited for this to be relevant for over a year, now I have to wait 10 more.

Jesus The College Years: Getting Stoned [OC]

[RSJ] Foodie Adventure: Camera eats first

Jenga Fett

Even bad guys have standards.

Order Up


Homework Hassles

The Hipster Bowlers

A wizard and his dwarf, together again.

Introducing Logic, Discord's third library

Washed Up

The Birthday List

[RSJ] First Date: Sorry, I'm late

One Of These Days

Gave my dog a burger.



Dino-Lesson 54 : Plateosaurus

Vast Fun: Death Contract

His odd persistence should've been a red flag

Tut and Groan #429- Three Panels: Fight the Power

Lost in Translation [oc]

[OC] In the remains of a bloody battlefield - Page 062

Friday, April 29, 2016

Know your geese.

Human Technology

From the future! | Deadly Panel

[RSJ] The Best Seat

Making Friends: Age 15 vs Age 25

Fun in 3D

a daily struggle

Adventure Awaits

Fur Pile


Assholes [OC]

Married Life

The Bat Touch

A Duck Walks into a Bar

Raised by Cats [OC]

Legends of Fomora - Book One Conclusion!

The Insult #54: Medieval Pilgrim

Big Brother Google is Watching You

Toonhole | Cookies

The Flightless Canary

Flying formation